Kado Karim is a unique project in Latvia and Eastern Europe, designed by the world-renowned designer, Karim Rashid. The project consists of three freestanding buildings: Maison de Mer, Maison de Parc, and Maison de Karim.
The Kado Karim complex is an appropriate solution for the Jurmala context and local mentality, creating a harmonious impression. Each building in the complex has been meticulously designed to offer a luxurious living experience. The apartments range in size from 190 to 240 square meters, and the penthouses feature personal elevators leading to wide terraces on the roof.
With a blend of modern design and natural beauty, Kado Karim offers a unique living experience in the heart of Jurmala. The project is a testament to Karim Rashid’s innovative design philosophy and commitment to creating spaces that resonate with the local context.